
牛タン焼 - Grilled Beef Tongue #宮城県 #宮城 #仙台市 #仙台 #料理 #名物 #食事 #和食 #日本料理 #焼肉 #牛肉 #食文化 #牛タン焼 #牛タン #MiyagiPrefecture #Miyagi #SendaiCity #Sendai #Cooking #Specialties #Meals #JapaneseFood #Yakiniku #FoodCulture #Beef #BeefTongueGrilled #GrilledBeefTongue #BeefTongue #Instagay


牛タン焼 – Grilled Beef Tongue

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Gyutan-yaki is a beef tongue dish that started in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. It is a dish of beef tongue sliced into slices, and a set meal that is served with slightly thick sliced beef tongue, barley rice, tail soup, lightly pickled vegetables, and miso nanban (miso pickled pepper) is common, but beef as grilled meat It is one of the beloved food cultures in Japan, as only tongue-grilled meat is offered.
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